WASHINGTON — Hughes Network Systems and Yahsat extended their consumer-broadband partnership to Brazil, where the two…
PARIS — Satellite IoT/M2M service and hardware provider Orbcomm said its maritime tracking business tracking vessels’…
PARIS — Mobile satellite services provider Inmarsat said its U.S. government business improved in the…
PARIS — Two companies with reasons to hold a grudge against mobile satellite services provider Inmarsat…
With in-flight connectivity agreement with China Satcom, Viasat joins a long line of market hopefuls
PARIS — The conga line of airline in-flight-connectivity providers signing agreements to enter the Chinese market,…
PARIS — European government officials agreed that the European Commission’s proposed GovSatCom program is far too…
PARIS — The management of mobile satellite services provider Inmarsat and a major shareholder approved a…
PARIS — Maritime connectivity provider OmniAccess, a longtime customer of satellite fleet operator Telesat Canada, has…
PARIS — In Harry Potter, the principal adversary was the one “who must not be named.”…
PARIS — Mobile satellite services provider Thuraya Telecommunications Co. unveiled a new piece of its strategy…