PARIS — Satellite fleet operator Eutelsat, moving forward on a strategy that sees M2M/IoT as a…
WASHINGTON — Satellite fleet operator SES said it has no intention of selling in-flight connectivity service…
WASHINGTON — The Northrop Grumman-built Eutelsat 5 West B satellite launched Oct. 9 has been unable…
Satellite builders to SES, Intelsat, Eutelsat, Hispasat, Nilesat, and Nepal: Please decide something
PARIS — Satellite fleet operators including Eutelsat, Intelsat, SES, Telesat, Nilesat, Hispasat and the government of…
PARIS — Either he was blindsided or he deserves an acting award. International Launch Services (ILS)…
PARIS — Eutelsat’s Quantum, the first European software-defined satellite and the first geostationary-orbit platform from Airbus’s…
PARIS — SES and Ethiopia’s two broadcasting groups said they had started a dedicated Ethiopian television…
Astronics, Boeing Global Services, Newtec, Zodiac Data Systems: IFC interoperability is a pipe dream for now
by Amy Svitakby Amy SvitakPARIS — Airlines and in-flight connectivity service providers say they want hardware to be interoperable. Why…
PARIS — FCC Commissioner Michael O’Rielly strongly implied the commission had all but decided to approve…
PARIS — Satellite fleet operator Eutelsat has selected Loft Orbital and AAC Clyde Space for the…