PARIS — The European Union space program Security Accreditation Board (SAB) is confronting a substantial increase…
PARIS — The European Commission opened its program to connect investors and customers to space startups…
PARIS — The European Commission’s push to raise the defense and security profile of the Copernicus…
PARIS — The European Space Agency expects to ask its 22 member governments to invest 750…
DUBAI — The European Commission and the European Space Agency (ESA) want to increase purchases of…
PARIS — Europe’s meteorological satellite agency, Eumetsat, is taking on a much larger role in the…
ESA-EU Commission financial partnership deal: $10.7 billion, 52 satellites, 16 launches over 7 years
PARIS — The 27-nation European Commission and the 22-nation European Space Agency (ESA) signed a seven-year…
PARIS— The European Commission deployed a hard-cop, soft-cop tactic in describing a possible future collaboration with…
PARIS — European Commissioner Thierry Breton said Eutelsat’s equity investment in the UK-based OneWeb broadband satellite…
PARIS — The European Union’s GNSS Agency, GSA, has contracted with satellite fleet operator Eutelsat to…