PARIS — The European Space Agency is asking its member governments to force ESA satellites in…
european space agency
PARIS — With new builders of optical inter-satellite links popping up like daisies, European governments and…
PARIS —The European Space Agency (ESA) and an industrial consortium led by satellite fleet operator SES…
PARIS — Any European government discussion about space policy in the past five years has inevitably…
KOUROU, French Guiana — The 500-Gbps Eutelsat Konnect VHTS satellite launched Sept. 7 is designed not…
KOUROU, French Guiana — Satellite fleet operator SES has joined a consortium of startups vying for work…
LA PLATA, Maryland — Small satellite hardware and service provider AAC Clyde Space said it will…
LA PLATA, Maryland — Space hardware and services provider OHB SE has made more than 30…
PARIS — Airbus Group booked an impairment penalty against its H1 2022 earnings because of delays…
PARIS — The European Commission is asking individual EU member states and European industry for a…