MARGARETVILLE, NY — Long-struggling satellite fleet operator Avanti Communications Group plc said it is de-listing from…
SWANTON, Vermont — The transition of Europe’s established space-launch industrial base from the Ariane 5 to…
LOGAN, Utah — OneWeb founder Greg Wyler, whose constellation is preparing for monthly launches of 30-plus…
PARIS — Protecting its video broadcast cash cow investing in consumer broadband and an IoT constellation…
UPDATE July 19: The executive director of the GSA, the agency managing the European Commission-owned Galileo…
PARIS — Satellite fleet operators Avanti Communications of Britain and the 21-nation Arabsat organization of Saudi…
Three Atlas 5 Centaur upper-stage breakups in GTO in less than a year, and the cause is a mystery
by Amy Svitakby Amy SvitakUPDATE Aug. 3: NASA’s Orbital Quarterly Debris News makes reference to the latest Centaur upper-stage breakup, in…
PARIS — Europe’s space industry, which historically has relied as much on commercial sales as on…
CANNES, France — The six-satellite Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) program — the biggest satellite construction contract…
LUXEMBOURG — Aerospacelab of Belgium gave proof of the vitality of Europe’s NewSpace and space venture-funding…