PARIS — The French aerospace industries association, GIFAS, said Europe’s launch sector was in an “unprecedented…
PARIS — The French government has selected five space situational awareness projects, using ground sensors and…
PARIS — The Italian government in recent months has confirmed that it is ready to finance…
PARIS — The Ariane 6 heavy-lift rocket, with its inaugural flight now planned for late-2023 —…
PARIS — Space hardware manufacturer OHB SE reported a 13% increase in revenue and a 27%…
SEOUL — The announcement by the 22-nation European Space Agency (ESA) that the Ariane 6 rocket…
PARIS — The French government selected 12 micro-launcher projects, an upgrade of an old launch pad…
PARIS — The European Space Agency (ESA) scrapped a planned late-September update on when the Ariane…
PARIS — European governments, in thrall with the potential of New Space, have made clear they…
PARIS — Any European government discussion about space policy in the past five years has inevitably…