Eutelsat, spending $2.3B for 440 OneWeb Gen 1 follow-ons & $2.1B for 264 Iris2 LEOs, hunts for export-credit financing

by Peter B. de Selding

LA PLATA, Maryland — Eutelsat expects to deploy 440 OneWeb Gen-1 follow-on satellites starting in late 2026 as part of an investment of up to 2.2 billion euros ($2.3 billion) before it begins launching the 264 LEO-orbit satellites planned for Europe’s Iris2 multi-orbit secure constellation around 2030, the company said Feb. 14.

Eutelsat has estimated its Iris2 commitment at around 2 billion euros, with the spending backloaded so that it does not much overlap with the OneWeb investment. Eutelsat has already . . .

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