PARIS — Eutelsat Chief Executive Rodolphe Belmer said consumer satellite broadband, both fixed and mobile, was…
PARIS — The Peruvian government, in an assessment that will surely raise eyebrows at Planet, DigitalGlobe,…
PARIS — U.S. Air Force Gen. John Hyten wants to know how it is that Boeing…
PARIS — Thirteen government space agencies including all the major space powers are asking owners of…
PARIS — Fast-growing nanosatellite manufacturer GomSpace booked a second satellite order from the Colombian Air Force…
PARIS — The European Space Agency (ESA) and the Italian government-industry joint venture that builds Europe’s…
WASHINGTON — Satellite and terrestrial in-flight-connectivity (IFC) provider Gogo made a detailed case to investors, defending…
UPDATE:This story was updated on Nov. 28 and 29 to reflect information about the insurance on…
PARIS — Using an argument that may may be more than useful with France’s export-credit agency,…
LONDON — The U.S. military, perhaps anticipating the arrival of several global broadband satellite constellations, is…