PARIS — The German Aerospace Center DLR is funding a series of nanosat projects aimed at…
PARIS — Global IP, a British Cayman Islands startup planning a mobile satellite project for Africa,…
Astronics, Boeing Global Services, Newtec, Zodiac Data Systems: IFC interoperability is a pipe dream for now
by Amy Svitakby Amy SvitakPARIS — Airlines and in-flight connectivity service providers say they want hardware to be interoperable. Why…
PARIS — With 1,300 commercial aircraft flying its phased array antennas, mainly with Gogo, and 100-plus…
PARIS — Solidifying its presence in Europe and Asia, Spire Global raised more than $58 million…
PARIS — FCC Commissioner Michael O’Rielly strongly implied the commission had all but decided to approve…
Allied Minds to sell its stake in commercial sat-SigInt provider Hawkeye 360 to Advance Publications
UPDATE Sept. 15: This story was updated to include comments from Hawkeye 360 Chief Executive John…
PARIS — Britain’s space minister reiterated the UK’s commitment to the 22-nation European Space Agency (ESA)…
India reviewing bids for satellite/debris tracking radar for growing space situational awareness effort
by Amy Svitakby Amy SvitakPARIS — The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) is reviewing industry bids for development of a…
PARIS — Satellite fleet operator Eutelsat has selected Loft Orbital and AAC Clyde Space for the…