LA PLATA, Maryland — The Romanian government has authorized SpaceX’s Starlink to conduct real-world tests of…
PARIS — The newly created UAE-based Space42, a merger of satellite fixed and mobile communications operator…
LA PLATA, Maryland — Even SpaceX’s Starlink, which often seems to float over mortal concerns like…
PARIS — Intelsat expects that Eutelsat OneWeb’s delayed deployment of its global network will have little…
LA PLATA, Maryland — Business aviation air-to-ground in-flight connectivity provider Gogo Inc. said its purchase of…
LA PLATA, Maryland — Satellite broadband provider EchoStar Corp. announced a complex series of transactions that,…
PARIS — Telespazio is a space services company whose diverse portfolio includes managing operations of Europe’s…
PARIS — SpaceX’s Starlink satellite broadband service will surpass 4 million subscribers this week, with its…
PARIS — The decision by Air France and United Airlines to move their in-flight-connectivity service to SpaceX…
PARIS — Startup geostationary-orbit satellite builder Swissto12, with four anchor contracts in place — three with…